Limestone Hill Farm
Previous System: Inefficient Oil Boiler and Straw Bale Burner
New System: 36kw Grant Spira Wood Pellet Boiler with Bulk Storage Silo
Grant Spira Wood Pellet Biomass Boiler
We received an enquiry from a client looking to replace their existing, ageing heating system. The existing system was a combination of an inefficient oil boiler and a straw bale burner. Both were in need of replacement, and in addition the combination of boilers suffered from extremely high oil costs and excessive manual input for the straw bail burner. Our recommendation upon the first inspection was a wood pellet biomass boiler with a bulk storage silo. We also advised after consultation on improving the heating system design and controls.
After using the system for a few months the client experienced reduced fuel costs, a warmer household and was also extremely pleased that the only manual input required is to empty the ash bins once every few weeks and to monitor the level of the wood pellet store. As an option to reduce user input even further there is the facility to install an automated monitoring system, that will alert the system owner when the wood pellet level has fallen bellow a certain level, allowing them to arrange for the silo to be refilled.
The Grant Spira wood pellet biomass boiler is ideally suited to installations such as this and was designed by Grant Engineering to be the perfect replacement for an oil boiler. In most cases the Grant Spira can be installed without a buffer tank, or any other amendments to a pre-existing heating system.
The customer was pleased to receive her Renewable Heat Premium Payment Voucher and is looking forward to the forthcoming Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme being implemented.